TATTOO MAKING आज तेजी से उभरता हुआ SKILL है। एक अच्छा TATTOO ARTIST बनने के लिए आपको एक SKILLED TATTOO ARTIST को चुनना चाहिए। DEV TATTOOS & TRAINING CENTRE आपके लिए एक अच्छा टैटू ट्रेनिंग प्लेटफार्म साबित हो सकता है। यहाँ पर आपको BASIC TO ADVANCE कोर्स कराया जा रहा है, वो भी काफी सस्ते रेट पर। तो मौका हाथ से न जाने दें, और अपने सपनों को एक नया आयाम दें। बुकिंग अमाउंट मात्र RS.5000/- देकर आप अपनी सीट बुक करा सकते हैं। नीचे दिए गए QR कोड के द्वारा आप अपनी सीट बुक करा सकते हैं।
Tattoo-Making is A Fast Emerging Skill Today. To Become A Good Tattoo Artist, You Should Choose A Skilled Tattoo Artist. DEV TATTOOS & TRAINING CENTRE Can Prove To Be A Good Tattoo Training Platform For You. Here You Are Being Made BASIC TO ADVANCE, That Too At A Very Cheap Rate. So Don't Miss The Opportunity, And Give A New Dimension To Your Dreams. You Can Book Your Seat By Paying The Booking Amount of only RS.5000/- . You Can Book Your Seat Using The Below QR Code.
DEV TATTOOS BASIC TO ADVANCE TATTOO COURSE IS OFFERED. ACTUAL FEE RS. 1,95,000+GST, BUT ON NEW YEAR OFFER THIS TATTOO COURSE IS ONLY RS. 1,50,000+GST. This Course Will Be Given To 10 Peoples Only. Which is Based On First-Come, First-Served Policy. You Can Make A Booking By Paying RS. 5000/- Only. In This Course, Every Detail Will Be Taken Care Of From BASIC to ADVANCE. This TATTOO TRAINING will last for 3 Months In Which DAILY 3 Hours Class will be given. This is A Certification Course, Which Will Be Given To You On Completion Of Training. Tattoo Kit is Not Included In This Course If You Want To Take a Tattoo Kit, 10000 + GST Will Have To Be Paid Separately For That.
Mr. Roshan Singh, founder of DEV TATTOOS, is active in the TATTOO FIELD since 2008 and has made thousands of tattoos so far. Before TATTOO MAKING, Mr. Singh used to deal in PAINTING, SKETCHING, GRAFFITI, etc. Mr. Singh has about 22 years of experience in painting and 14 years of experience in TATTOO MAKING. Till now, Mr. Singh has trained hundreds of people. Mr. Singh started TATTOO TRAINING in 2012. You can see PAINTING, GRAFFITI, TATTOOING, SKETCHING, etc. made by Mr. Singh through YOUTUBE. There is also a YOUTUBE channel by the name of Dev Tattoos, you can also follow us by subscribing to this channel. We welcome all of you to this TATTOO TRAINING PROGRAMME on behalf of DEV TATTOOS. All of you are getting a chance to learn from a good TATTOO ARTIST, so don't let this special opportunity go. Only 10 people will be given admission here on first come first serve basis. Book your seat before the seats get full. So that you do not have to regret later, you can make payment by scanning the QR code given below and book your seat. So friends, don't delay, such opportunities do not come again and again. BASIC TO ADVANCE TATTOO COURSE for only Rs.1,50,000 + GST, whose actual price is Rs.1,95,000 + GST. BOOKING AMOUNT is only Rs.5000. You can book your seat through the QR code given below.
आज के समय में TATTOO MAKING काफी TREND में है, टैटू आज एक FASHION का हिस्सा है, पहले के टैटू और आज के टैटू में जमीन आसमान का अंतर है। जहां पहले टैटू कुछ खास किस्म के ही लोग मेलों में बनाया करते थे, वही आज के समय में एक टैटू आर्टिस्ट एक प्रोफेशनल कोर्स करके 3D टैटू, रीयलिस्टिक टैटू बना रहे हैं जो देखने में एक रियल पेंटिंग की तरह नजर आते हैं। इस स्किल के द्वारा कुछ लोग लाखों में पैसा कमा रहे हैं। बस जरुरत है, टैटू को अच्छे से सीखने की। आज ही अपने अच्छे करियर की शुरुआत करें, और लाखों में पैसे कमाएं।